Radiant energy

Radiant energy and electromagnetic radiation are two terms that refer to the same concept. Both refer to the propagation of energy through space in the form of waves. These waves appear as oscillating electric and magnetic fields,  the fundamental feature of electromagnetic radiation.

  • Electromagnetic radiation can be viewed as either electromagnetic waves or a stream of photons. These two perspectives are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary, as explained by the concept of wave-particle duality.
    • Wave Perspective: From this viewpoint, electromagnetic radiation is thought of as waves of oscillating electric and magnetic fields traversing through space. The energy of the radiation is distributed across the wave, with its intensity related to the amplitude and frequency of the wave.
    • Photon Perspective: Electromagnetic radiation can also be thought of as a succession of massless particles known as photons. Each photon carries a discrete quantum of energy, referred to as photon energy, directly related to the radiation’s frequency. This perspective acknowledges the particle-like behaviour of electromagnetic radiation.
    • The concept of wave-particle duality which has been developed in Quantum Field Theory, reconciles these contrasting viewpoints by claiming that electromagnetic radiation exhibits both wave-like and particle-like attributes. This duality has been experimentally verified.

Radiant energy

Radiant energy and electromagnetic radiation are two terms that refer to the same concept. Both refer to the propagation of energy through space in the form of waves. These waves appear as oscillating electric and magnetic fields,  the fundamental feature of electromagnetic radiation.

  • Electromagnetic radiation can be viewed as either electromagnetic waves or a stream of photons. These two perspectives are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary, as explained by the concept of wave-particle duality.
    • Wave Perspective: From this viewpoint, electromagnetic radiation is thought of as waves of oscillating electric and magnetic fields traversing through space. The energy of the radiation is distributed across the wave, with its intensity related to the amplitude and frequency of the wave.
    • Photon Perspective: Electromagnetic radiation can also be thought of as a succession of massless particles known as photons. Each photon carries a discrete quantum of energy, referred to as photon energy, directly related to the radiation’s frequency. This perspective acknowledges the particle-like behaviour of electromagnetic radiation.
    • The concept of wave-particle duality which has been developed in Quantum Field Theory, reconciles these contrasting viewpoints by claiming that electromagnetic radiation exhibits both wave-like and particle-like attributes. This duality has experimentally verified.
  • Radiant energy includes radio waves, microwaves, infrared, (visible) light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays. Each of these types of radiation is characterized by a distinct range of wavelengths and frequencies.
  • The quantity of radiant energy is typically measured in terms of radiant flux over time. Radiant flux represents the amount of radiant energy passing through a unit area per unit time. It is commonly expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/m²).
About light-waves & particles
  • Electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic energy it transports can be described in terms of waves.
  • Electromagnetic radiation can be described in terms of photons and their properties.
    • Energy: Photons have energy that depends on their frequency or wavelength. Higher-frequency photons have more energy than lower-frequency photons.
    • Number: The number of photons in a given electromagnetic radiation depends on its intensity or brightness. Higher-intensity radiation has more photons than lower-intensity radiation.
    • Direction: Photons travel in straight lines, but their direction can be changed by interacting with matter.
    • Polarization: Photons can be polarized, which means that their electric and magnetic fields oscillate in a particular direction.
    • Speed: Photons travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum.
About light, radiation, radiant energy & electromagnetic energy

There is a difference in meaning between the terms light, electromagnetic radiation, radiant energy and electromagnetic energy in physics.

    • Light is best used to refer to the subset of electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye, ranging from violet (shorter wavelengths) to red (longer wavelengths).
Electromagnetic radiation
    • Electromagnetic radiation refers to the transfer of all forms of electromagnetic radiation through space by electromagnetic waves and includes gamma rays, ultraviolet (UV), infrared (IR), X-rays, and radio waves, as well as visible light.
    • Electromagnetic radiation exhibits a wave-particle duality. This means it can behave like both a wave and a particle depending on the experiment or observation method.
Radiant energy
    • Radiant energy is most commonly used to refer to electromagnetic radiation carried by electromagnetic waves and photons.
    • Radiant energy can be measured using instruments such as photometers, which detect the intensity of light or other forms of electromagnetic radiation.
Electromagnetic energy
  • Electromagnetic energy is a more general term that refers to any form of energy that is carried by electromagnetic waves, including both radiant energy and other types of energy that are not radiant (e.g., static electric fields).
  • The type of energy associated with electromagnetic radiation is a measurable quantity in physics, and its measurement is essential for understanding and analyzing physical systems and processes.
  • The unit of measurement for electromagnetic energy in the International System of Units (SI) is the joule (J), which is defined as the amount of energy required to perform one joule of work
  • The electronvolt (eV) is another unit of energy commonly used in atomic and subatomic physics.


Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light.

  • Radiant energy has an electric field, and a magnetic field and may be described in terms of electromagnetic waves or in terms of bundles of photons travelling in a wave-like pattern.
  • Visible light is a form of radiation often described in terms of either electromagnetic waves or photons.
  • Types of radiation with the highest energy include ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays.
  • When x-rays or gamma-rays interact with atoms, they can remove electrons which destabilises them and make them radioactive.
  • Radioactivity is the spontaneous release of energy from an unstable atom as it returns to a stable state.
  • Ionizing Radiation is the energy that comes out of a radioactive atom.


Radiation is energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light.

  • Radiant energy has an electric field, and a magnetic field and may be described in terms of electromagnetic waves or in terms of bundles of photons travelling in a wave-like pattern.
  • Visible light is a form of radiation often described in terms of either electromagnetic waves or photons.
  • Types of radiation with the highest energy include ultraviolet radiation, x-rays, and gamma rays.
  • When x-rays or gamma-rays interact with atoms, they can remove electrons which destabilises them and make them radioactive.
  • Radioactivity is the spontaneous release of energy from an unstable atom as it returns to a stable state.
  • Ionizing Radiation is the energy that comes out of a radioactive atom.


Radiometry is the study of how light, carried by electromagnetic waves made up of particles called photons, travels through space. It involves measuring and analyzing the energy (radiant energy) of these waves and their component particles.

  • Radiometry studies the properties of electromagnetic radiation such as intensity, spectral distribution and polarization, and how light interacts with matter (absorption, reflection, and scattering).
  • Electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic energy it transports can be described in terms of waves.
    • Electromagnetic radiation (radiant energy) includes all wavelengths of light from radio waves to gamma rays.
  • Electromagnetic radiation can be described in terms of photons and their properties.
    • Energy: Photons have energy that depends on their frequency or wavelength. Higher-frequency photons have more energy than lower-frequency photons.
    • Number: The number of photons in a given electromagnetic radiation depends on its intensity. Higher-intensity radiation has more photons than lower-intensity radiation.
    • Direction: Photons travel in straight lines, but their direction can be changed by interacting with matter.
    • Polarization: Photons can be polarized, which means that their electric and magnetic fields oscillate in a particular direction.
    • Speed: Photons travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum.
  • Radiometric techniques characterize the distribution of radiant power (transfer of energy per unit of time) in space.
  • Radiant power, also known as radiant flux, is the amount of energy emitted by a source of electromagnetic radiation per unit of time. It is typically measured in watts (W) or in other units of power such as ergs per second (erg/s) or joules per second (J/s).
  • While radiometry deals with electromagnetic radiation, photometry deals with the interaction of light with the human eye.


Radiometry is the study of how light, carried by electromagnetic waves made up of particles called photons, travels through space. It involves measuring and analysing the energy (radiant energy) of these waves and their component particles.

  • Radiometry studies the properties of electromagnetic radiation such as intensity, spectral distribution and polarization, and how light interacts with matter (absorption, reflection, and scattering).
  • Electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic energy it transports can be described in terms of waves.
    • Electromagnetic radiation (radiant energy) includes all wavelengths of light from radio waves to gamma rays.
  • Electromagnetic radiation can be described in terms of photons and their properties.
    • Energy: Photons have energy that depends on their frequency or wavelength. Higher-frequency photons have more energy than lower-frequency photons.
    • Number: The number of photons in a given electromagnetic radiation depends on its intensity. Higher-intensity radiation has more photons than lower-intensity radiation.
    • Direction: Photons travel in straight lines, but their direction can be changed by interacting with matter.
    • Polarization: Photons can be polarized, which means that their electric and magnetic fields oscillate in a particular direction.
    • Speed: Photons travel at the speed of light, which is approximately 299,792,458 meters per second in a vacuum.



A rainbow is an optical effect produced by illuminated droplets of water. Rainbows are caused by reflection, refraction (bending) and dispersion (spreading out) of light in individual droplets and results in the appearance of an arc of spectral colours.

  • Atmospheric rainbows only appear when weather conditions are ideal and an observer is in the right place at the right time.
  • Waterfalls, lawn sprinklers and other things that produce air-borne water droplets can produce a rainbow.
  • An atmospheric rainbow is formed from countless individual droplets each of which reflects and refracts a tiny coloured image of the Sun towards the observer.
  • As white light passes through water droplets, refraction causes the light to disperse and separate into the different colours seen by an observer.
  • If the sun is behind an observer then the rainbow will appear in front of them.
  • When a rainbow is produced by sunlight, the angles between the sun, each droplet and the observer determine which ones will form part of the rainbow, the colour each droplet will produce and the sequence in which they appear.
  • Rainbows always form arcs around a single centre point (anti-solar point: the point in the sky directly opposite the sun) with each colour merging into the next one at a slightly different angle as seen from the point of view of an observer.
  • The axis of a rainbow is an imaginary line drawn between the light source and the anti-solar point of a rainbow with the observer in between.
  • If you can see your own shadow and a rainbow at the same time then the shadow of your head is always at the centre of the circle or arc of the rainbow.
  • Seen from the air a rainbow can appear as a complete circle, but from the ground, it always appears as a semicircle or arc because the ground around the observer gets in the way.
  • The sky inside a rainbow is brighter than on the outside because raindrops scatter diffuse light of every wavelength towards its centre whilst almost none is directed outwards.
  • When an observer sees a single rainbow, red appears on the outside, followed by orange, yellow, green, and blue, with violet on the inside.
  • When an observer sees a double rainbow, the secondary rainbow is outside the first and forms a wider, paler band of colours with violet on the inside.


A rainbow is an optical effect produced by illuminated droplets of water. Rainbows are caused by reflection, refraction (bending) and dispersion (spreading out) of light in individual droplets and result in the appearance of an arc of spectral colours.

  • Atmospheric rainbows only appear when weather conditions are ideal and an observer is in the right place at the right time.
  • Waterfalls, lawn sprinklers and other things that produce air-borne water droplets can produce a rainbow.
  • An atmospheric rainbow is formed from countless individual droplets each of which reflects and refracts a tiny coloured image of the Sun towards the observer.
  • As white light passes through water droplets, refraction causes the light to disperse and separate into the different colours seen by an observer.
  • If the sun is behind an observer then the rainbow will appear in front of them.
  • When a rainbow is produced by sunlight, the angles between the sun, each droplet and the observer determine which ones will form part of the rainbow, the colour each droplet will produce and the sequence in which they appear.

Rainbow angle

The term rainbow angle is often paired with rainbow ray to measure the angle at which light is deflected back towards an observer as it passes through a raindrop.

  • At lightcolourvision.org the term rainbow angle is avoided but is treated as being synonymous with the angle of deflection.
  • The angle of deflection (rainbow angle) is measured at the point where the path of an incidence ray and the path of the same ray after it exits a raindrop towards the observer can be shown to intersect.
  • To make the incident and exiting ray intersect in a ray-tracing diagram the incident ray is extended forwards in a straight line beyond the raindrop. The ray exiting the droplet towards the observer is then extended backwards until both intersect. The angle of deflection (rainbow angle) lies between the two.
  • The angle of deflection (rainbow angle), for any ray that is contributing directly to the arcs of a primary rainbow, is always between approx. 40.70 and 42.40.
Viewing angle, angular distance and angle of deflection
  • The term viewing angle refers to the number of degrees through which an observer must move their eyes or turn their head to see a specific colour within the arcs of a rainbow.
  • The term angular distance refers to the same measurement when shown in side elevation on a diagram.
  • The angle of deflection measures the degree to which a ray striking a raindrop is bent back on itself in the process of refraction and reflection towards an observer.
  • The term rainbow rays refers to the path taken by the deflected ray that produces the most intense colour experience for any particular wavelength of light passing through a raindrop.
  • The term angle of deviation measures the degree to which the path of a light ray is bent back by a raindrop in the course of refraction and reflection towards an observer.
    • In any particular example of a ray of light passing through a raindrop, the angle of deviation and the angle of deflection are directly related to one another and together add up to 1800.
    • The angle of deviation is always equal to 1800 minus the angle of deflection. So clearly the angle of deflection is always equal to 1800 minus the angle of deviation.
    • In any particular example, the angle of deflection is always the same as the viewing angle because the incident rays of light that form a rainbow are all approaching on a trajectory running parallel with the rainbow axis.

Rainbow axis

The rainbow axis is an imaginary straight line that connects the light source, observer and anti-solar point.

  • The centre of a rainbow is always on its axis.
  • The centre of a rainbow always corresponds with the anti-solar point.
  • When drawing a diagram showing the axis of a rainbow, the Sun and anti-solar point, are at opposite ends with the observer between them.
  • From an observer’s point of view, the rainbow axis is an imaginary line that they look along towards the centre of a rainbow.

Rainbow colour

Rainbow colour refers to the colours seen in rainbows and other situations where visible light separates into its component wavelengths and the corresponding hues become visible to the human eye.

  • Rainbow colour (also called spectral colour) is a colour model.
  • A colour model is a theory of colour that establishes terms, definitions, rules and conventions for understanding and describing colours and their relationships with one another.
  • A spectral colour is a colour evoked in normal human vision by a single wavelength of visible light (or by a narrow spread of adjacent wavelengths).
  • When all the spectral colours are mixed together in equal amounts and at equal intensities, they produce white light.
  • In order of wavelength, the rainbow colours (ROYGBV) are red (longest visible wavelength), orange, yellow, green, blue and violet (shortest visible wavelength).
  • It is the sensitivity of the human eye to this small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that results in our perception of colour.
  • Whilst the visible spectrum and its spectral colours are determined by wavelength (and corresponding frequency), it is our eyes and brains that interpret these differences in electromagnetic radiation and produce colour perceptions.
  • Naming rainbow colours is a matter more closely related to the relationship between perception and language than anything to do with physics or optics.
  • Even commonplace colour names associated with rainbows such as yellow or blue defy easy definition. These names are concepts related to subjective impressions.
  • Modern portrayals of rainbows show six colours – ROYGBV. This leaves out other colours such as cyan and indigo.
  • Atmospheric rainbows actually contain millions of spectral colours. Measured in nanometres there are around 400 colours between red and violet, measured in picometres there are 400,000.

Rainbow colours

Rainbow colours are the colours seen in rainbows and in other situations where visible light separates into its different wavelengths and the spectral colours corresponding with each wavelength become visible to the human eye.

  • The rainbow colours (ROYGBV) in order of wavelength are red (longest wavelength), orange, yellow, green, blue and violet (shortest wavelength).
  •  It is the sensitivity of the human eye to this small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that results in our perception of colour.
  • The names of rainbow colours is a matter more closely related to the relationship between perception and language than anything to do with physics or scientific accuracy. While the spectrum of light and the colours we see are both determined by wavelength, it’s our eyes and brains that turn these differences in light into the colours we experience.
  • In the past, rainbows were sometimes portrayed as having seven colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
  • Modern portrayals of rainbows reduce the number of colours to six spectral colours, ROYGBV.
  • In reality, the colours of a rainbow actually form a continuous spectrum and there are no clear boundaries between one colour and the next.

Rainbow colours

Rainbow colours are the colours seen in rainbows and in other situations where visible light separates into its different wavelengths and the spectral colours corresponding with each wavelength become visible to the human eye.

  • The rainbow colours (ROYGBV) in order of wavelength are red (longest wavelength), orange, yellow, green, blue and violet (shortest wavelength).
  •  It is the sensitivity of the human eye to this small part of the electromagnetic spectrum that results in our perception of colour.
  • The names of rainbow colours are a matter more closely related to the relationship between perception and language than anything to do with physics or scientific accuracy. While the spectrum of light and the colours we see are both determined by wavelength, it’s our eyes and brains that turn these differences in light into the colours we experience.
  • In the past, rainbows were sometimes portrayed as having seven colours: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
  • Modern portrayals of rainbows reduce the number of colours to six spectral colours, ROYGBV.
  • In reality, the colours of a rainbow form a continuous spectrum and there are no clear boundaries between one colour and the next.



Rainbow ray

  • Rainbows are composed of rainbow rays.
  • Rainbow rays are responsible for an observer’s perception of a rainbow.
  • Rainbow rays are rays of light of a single wavelength that have their origin in individual raindrops. They can be explained in terms of their angular distance from the rainbow axis at the moment they contribute to an observer’s view of a rainbow.
  • Rainbow rays are ephemeral. They are not individually observable but more a way of conceptualizing the fact that at a specific moment and in a specific position a raindrop will transmit one spectral colour towards an observer before falling further, perhaps to reappear in a different position and another colour.
  • Individual rainbow rays produce the intense appearance of each of the different spectral colours that together constitute the phenomenon of rainbows.
  • Rainbows are composed of millions of rainbow rays and each one has its origin within a single raindrop.
  • A rainbow ray is a ray of a single wavelength that for a second is responsible for a bright flash of its corresponding colour as a result of being in exactly the right place at the right time.
  • Rainbow rays are always located amongst the rays that deviate the least as they pass through a raindrop and bunch together around the minimum angle of deviation.
  • The millions of microscopic images of the Sun that produce the impression of a rainbow function in a similar way to the pixels that produce the images we see on digital displays.
  • Rainbow rays tend to out-shine all other sources of light in the sky (other than the Sun) and account for the brilliance and imposing appearance of rainbows.
  • Because raindrops polarize light at a tangent to the circumference of a rainbow, the path of rainbow rays dissects raindrops exactly in half.
  • So:
    • Individual rainbow rays account for the appearance of spectral colours of a single wavelength within the arcs of a rainbow.
    • Bands of colour within a rainbow are composed of rainbow rays that together transmit narrow spreads of wavelengths towards an observer.
    • The overall appearance of a rainbow as a singular phenomenon can be accounted for by optical and geometric rules that determine the passage of light through raindrops and in the process account for rainbow rays.
  • Remember: the notion of light rays and rainbow rays are useful when considering the path of light through different media in a simple and easily understandable way. But in the real world, light is not really made up of rays. More accurate descriptions use terms such as photons or electromagnetic waves.

Rainbows & bands of colour

About rainbows and bands of colour
  • There are several reasons why an observer looking at phenomena like rainbows perceives bands of colour.
    • The human perceptual system tends to simplify colour information rather than perceiving a smooth gradient across the spectrum.
    • Our eyes respond to colours based on their relative brightness and hue when presented with a portion or the entirety of the visible spectrum.
    • Observers tend to search for colours they are familiar with and can recognize and name.
    • Cone cells in our eyes are especially sensitive to red, green, and blue wavelengths due to the trichromatic nature (trichromacy) of human vision.

Rainbows and light

Rainbows result from light encountering raindrops in the presence of an observer. The phenomenon of rainbows offers many clues as to the nature of light.

  • Light is a form of radiation, a type of energy that travels in the form of electromagnetic waves and can also be described as a flow of particle-like ‘wave-packets’, called photons.
  • Radiation, electromagnetic waves and photons are all concepts that are interchangeable with the more general concept of light.
Theories of light

There are four principal theories that underpin our understanding of the physical properties of light as it relates to rainbows:

  • Wave theory – the idea that light is transmitted from luminous bodies in an undulatory wave-like motion.
  • Particle theory – the idea that the constitution and properties of light can be described in terms of the interactions of elementary particles.
  • Electromagnetic theory – the classical theory of electromagnetism that describes light as coupled electric and magnetic fields, transporting energy as it propagates through space as a wave. The energy is stored in its electric and magnetic fields and can be measured in terms of its intensity.
  • Quantum theory – explains the interactions of light with matter (atoms, molecules etc.) and describes light as consisting of discrete packets of energy,  photons. Quantum physics suggests that electromagnetic radiation behaves more like a classical wave at lower frequencies and more like a classical particle at higher frequencies, but never completely loses all the qualities of one or the other.
These theories tell us things about the properties of light
  • Light is electromagnetic radiation, the force carrier of radiant energy.
  • Whilst it carries energy and has momentum, light has no mass and so is not matter.
  • Light is the result of the interaction and oscillation of electric and magnetic fields.
  • Light is a microscopic phenomenon that needs macroscopic metaphors such as waves and particles to describe it.
  • Once emitted at its source, light can propagate indefinitely through a vacuum in a straight line at the speed of light (299,792,458 metres a second) but can be deflected by gravity.
  • In any specific instance, light can be described in terms of the inter-relationship of its wavelength, frequency and energy.
  • Light slows down and is deflected as it propagates through air, water, glass and other transparent media as photons interact with matter.
Phenomena associated with light include:
Some facts about electromagnetic waves
  • An electromagnetic wave carries electromagnetic radiation.
  • Electromagnetic radiation is measured in terms of the amount of electromagnetic energy carried by an electromagnetic wave.
  • Electromagnetic waves can be imagined as synchronised oscillations of electric and magnetic fields propagating at the speed of light in a vacuum.
  • The kinetic energy carried by electromagnetic waves is often simply called radiant energy or light.
  • Electromagnetic waves are similar to other types of waves in so far as they can be measured in terms of wavelength, frequency and amplitude.
  • Other terms for the amplitude of light are intensity and brightness.
  • Another term for the speed at which light travels is its velocity.
  • We can feel electromagnetic waves release energy when sunlight warms our skin.
  • The position of an electromagnetic wave within the electromagnetic spectrum can be identified by its frequency, wavelength or energy.
Some facts about photons
  • Photons are the elementary building blocks and so the smallest unit used to describe light.
  • Photons are the carriers of electromagnetic force and travel in harmonic waves.
  • Photons are zero mass bosons.
  • Photons have no electric charge.
  • The amount of energy a photon carries can make it behave like a wave or a particle. This is called the “wave-particle duality” of light.
Facts about the electromagnetic spectrum
  • Visible light is just one tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Our eyes only respond to the visible light which we see as colours between red and violet.
  • The electromagnetic spectrum includes, in order of increasing frequency and decreasing wavelength: radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, X-rays and gamma rays.
  • The size of the longest wavelengths is unknown but the shortest is believed to be in the vicinity of the Planck length (approximately 1.6 x 1035 meters).

Rainbows and rays of light

A ray of light (light ray or just ray) is a common term when talking about how and why rainbows appear.

  • The idea that light is made up of rays is so commonplace when describing and explaining rainbows that it is easily taken for granted.
  • The idea of light rays is useful when trying to model how light and raindrops produce the rainbow effects seen by an observer.
  • Light rays don’t exist in the sense that the term accurately describes a physical property of light. More accurate descriptions use terms like photons or waves.
  • Modelling light as rays is a way to discuss and represent the path of light through different media in a simple and easily understandable way.
  • When light rays are drawn in a ray-tracing diagram they are represented as straight lines connected at angles to illustrate how light moves and what happens when it encounters different situations and conditions.
  • More accurate descriptions of light use terms such as photons or electromagnetic waves.
  • Don’t forget that:
    • The incident rays of light that contribute to a rainbow seen by an observer are those that approach raindrops parallel with the rainbow axis.
    • To understand why incident rays are always parallel with the rainbow axis we need to think in terms of what the observer sees. See: 2.7 Observer’s point of view.

Rainbows are reflections of the Sun

Tiny images of the Sun mirrored in millions of individual raindrops create the impression of bands of colour arching across the sky when an observer sees an atmospheric rainbow.

  • Rainbows are formed from tiny indistinguishable dots of light and each one is produced by a water droplet from which an observer manages to catch a glimpse of an image of the Sun.
  • It is the precise position of each individual raindrop in the sky that determines:
    • Whether or not it is in the range of possible positions that will enable it to reflect an image of the Sun towards the observer.
    • The exact spectral colour that it will produce at any moment and over the passage of time as it falls.
  • The precise position of each raindrop changes over time as it falls, causing its colour to change from red through to violet. Prior to reflecting red, each raindrop is invisible to an observer. After reflecting violet the amount of light reflected by each raindrop drops off sharply.
  • Raindrops reflect and refract the greatest concentration of photons towards an observer from the intense bands of colour within the arcs of a rainbow.
  • Raindrops inside the coloured arcs, in the area between the anti-solar point and the inside edge of the violet bow, direct light towards an observer causing this area to appear lighter or brighter than the rest of the sky.  Factors that determine the appearance of this area include:
    • Lower intensity: Each raindrop reflects far fewer photons in the direction of an observer once they have fallen below the violet band of a rainbow.
    • Reduced saturation: The saturation of each rainbow colour reduces sharply as raindrops leave the violet band because they mix with other droplets that are reflecting other colours.
    • Any situation where an observer is exposed to a mixture of a wide range of wavelengths in similar proportions produces the impression of white rather than a specific colour.
    • Scattering: Light reflected by a raindrop in the direction of an observer may encounter a series of other raindrops on its journey causing random scattering of light in other directions.

Rainbows without water

Rainbows can be formed by droplets of liquids other than water, or even by a cloud of solid transparent microspheres. The table below shows the viewing angles for primary rainbows produced by a number of different media.

Refractive index
Viewing angle
Water 1.33 42.5
Kerosene 1.39 34.5
Carbon tetrachloride 1.46 26.7
Benzene 1.50 22.8
Plate glass 1.52 21.1
Other glass 1.47 to 1.61 25.7 to 14.2

Primary rainbow viewing angles for various media

  • Materials with an index of refraction of 2.00 or more do not produce primary rainbows.
  • Diamonds, for example, do not produce primary rainbows because their index of refraction is 2.42. However, if a diamond is ground into microspheres, it can produce secondary and higher-order rainbows.

Data from https://www.basic-physics.com/rainbows-figuring-their-angles/

Rainbows, raindrops & angles

About rainbows, raindrops & angles
    • Viewing angle refers to the number of degrees through which an observer must move their eyes or turn their head to see a specific colour within the arcs of a rainbow.
    • Angular distance refers to the same measurement when shown in a side elevation diagram.
    • Angle of deflection measures the angle between the original path of a ray of incident light before striking a raindrop and the angle of deviation.
    • Angle of deviation measures the degree to which the path of a light ray is bent back by a raindrop in the course of refraction and reflection towards an observer.
    • Rainbow ray refers to the path taken by the deflected ray that produces the most intense colour experience for any particular wavelength of light passing through a raindrop.
How they interconnect
    • In any particular example of a ray of light passing through a raindrop, the angle of deviation and the angle of deflection are directly related to one another and together add up to 1800.
    • The angle of deviation is always equal to 1800 minus the angle of deflection. So clearly the angle of deflection is always equal to 1800 minus the angle of deviation.
    • In any particular example, the angle of deflection is always the same as the viewing angle because the incident rays of light that form a rainbow are all approaching on a trajectory running parallel to the rainbow axis.