Refraction & Dispersion


The diagram shows different wavelengths of incident light approaching the boundary between air and glass.

  • As each wavelength crosses the boundary into the glass it bends towards the normal (the dotted green line).
  • Each incident wavelength is refracted towards the normal because it travels from air, the faster, less optically dense medium with a smaller refractive index into the glass, a slower, more optically dense medium with the higher refractive index.


Refraction & Dispersion

No! A slow transparent medium is optically denser than a rare medium. Conversely, a fast transparent medium is optically rarer than a dense medium.
The maximum speed of light occurs in a vacuum! Light travels in air at 99% of the speed of light in a vacuum.
Chromatic dispersion refers to the way that light separates into its component wavelengths (and so colours), under certain conditions.
Yes! Light separates into different colours during the course of refraction.
Yes! Chromatic dispersion takes place as light crosses the boundary between one transparent medium and another if it has a different refractive index.

About the diagram

Have you already checked out An Introduction to Reflection, Refraction and Dispersion?

It is the opening page of our Reflection, Refraction and Dispersion Series and contains masses of useful information. This is the table of contents:

Overview of this page

  • This page looks at the refraction and chromatic dispersion of a ray of light containing six different wavelengths as they approach the boundary between air and glass.
  • Related topics, including reflection, are covered on other pages of this series.
  • Introductions to the terms refractive index and the law of refraction (sometimes called Snell’s law) also appear on later pages in the series.

An overview of refraction

  • Refraction refers to the way that light (electromagnetic radiation) changes speed and direction as it travels from one transparent medium into another.
  • Refraction takes place as light travels across the boundary between different transparent media and is a result of their different optical properties.
  • Refraction is the result of the differences in the optical density of transparent media. Gases have a very low optical density whilst diamonds have a high optical density.
  • When light is refracted its path bends and so changes direction.
  • The effect of refraction on the path of a ray of light is measured by the difference between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection.
  • As light travels across the interface between different media it changes speed.
  • Depending on the media through which light is refracted, its speed can either increase or decrease.

An overview of chromatic dispersion

  • The term chromatic dispersion (often simply called dispersion) refers to the way that different wavelengths of light separate at the boundary between transparent media during the process of refraction.
  • Dispersion causes the separate wavelengths present in a ray of light to fan out so that their corresponding colours become visible to an observer.
  • When white light is dispersed, the spread of colours has red on one side and violet at the other.
  • The colours produced by dispersion are spectral colours – ROYGBV.
  • Dispersion occurs because refraction causes every wavelength of light to alter speed, and at the same time, to bend and change direction by a different amount.
  • For dispersion to occur the incident light approaching the boundary between two different transparent media must contain a sufficiently wide range of wavelengths to enable them to separate out so that their associated colours are visible to an observer.
  • A familiar example of dispersion is when white light strikes a prism and a rainbow of colours become visible to an observer.
  • As light enters a prism it separates into its component wavelengths which an observer perceives as bands of colour.
  • Colour is not a property of electromagnetic radiation, but a feature of visual perception experienced by an observer in the presence of different wavelengths of light.

An overview of refraction and wavelength

  • Every wavelength of light is affected to a different degree when it encounters a medium and undergoes refraction.
  • Every wavelength of light changes both speed and direction by a different amount when it encounters a new medium and undergoes refraction.
  • The change in angle for any wavelength of light undergoing refraction within a specific transparent medium can be predicted if the refractive index of the medium is known.
  • The refractive index for a medium is calculated by finding the difference between the speed of light in a vacuum and its speed as it travels through the medium.
  • To understand dispersion we must recognise that the refractive index of a transparent medium must be corrected for different wavelengths of the visible spectrum.
Colour wavelength (nm) Refractive index
Red 640 1.50917
Yellow 589 1.51124
Green 509 1.51534
Blue 486 1.51690
Violet 434 1.52136

The refractive index for crown glass is often given as being 1.52.  This table shows how that figure alters with wavelength

The diagram

  • The diagram shows six different wavelengths (ROYGBV) of incident light approaching the boundary between air and glass.
  • The wavelengths form a single ray and were emitted by a single point light source.
  • As the ray crosses the boundary between the air and the glass refraction takes place and it bends towards the normal (the dotted green line).
  • At the same time, the different wavelengths separate out from one another as dispersion takes place.
  • All six wavelengths are refracted towards the normal because they are travelling from air, the faster, less optically dense medium with a smaller refractive index into the glass, a slower, more optically dense medium with the higher refractive index.
  • The different paths each wavelength takes in the course of their dispersion results from the fact that the refractive index of the glass is different for each wavelength of light (ROYGBV).


  • In the right conditions, all transparent media cause incident light to change direction and to disperse into their component colours.
  • When light is refracted and changes direction, the angle is determined by the refractive index of the medium it enters.
  • Refractive index (n) is equal to the speed of light in a vacuum (c) divided by the speed of light in the medium (v)
  • Light travels at 299.792 kilometres per second in a vacuum.
  • Only a narrow range of wavelengths that form the full electromagnetic spectrum are visible to the human eye.
  • The wavelengths that we can see are known as the visible spectrum.
  • The presence of different wavelengths of light around us results in the colours we see in the world.

Refractive index

  • The refractive index (also known as the index of refraction) of a transparent medium allows the path of refracted light through a transparent medium to be calculated.
  • The refractive index is a ratio calculated by dividing the change in the speed of light in a vacuum by its speed as it travels through a specific medium.
  • The refractive index of a medium can be calculated using the formula:

n = refractive index, c = speed of light in a vacuum, v = speed of light in a transparent medium

  • When light travels through a vacuum, such as outer space, it travels at its maximum speed of 299,792 kilometres per second.
  • When light travels through any other transparent medium it travels more slowly.
  • Refractive indices describe the ratio between the speed of light in a vacuum and the speed of light in another medium.
  • Most transparent media have a refractive index of between 1.0 and 2.0.
  • Whilst the refractive index of a vacuum has the value of 1.0, the refractive index of water is 1.333.
  • The ratio between them is therefore 1:1.333
  • A simple example of a ratio is of mixing concrete using 1 part of cement to 2 part of sand. The ratio is expressed as 1:2.
  • If we divide the refractive index for light travelling through a vacuum (1.0) by the refractive index for glass (1.333) we find that light travels at 75% of the speed of light in a vacuum.

For an explanation of the refractive index (index of refraction) of a medium see: Refractive Index Explained.

For an explanation of how to use the refractive index of a medium see: How to Use the Refractive Index of a Medium.

For an explanation of the Law of Refraction see: Snell’s Law of Refraction Explained.

Some key terms

Incident light refers to light that is travelling towards an object or medium.

  • Incident light refers to light that is travelling towards an object or medium.
  • Incident light may come from the Sun, an artificial source or may have already been reflected off another surface, such as a mirror.
  • When incident light strikes a surface or object, it may be absorbed, reflected, refracted, transmitted or undergo any combination of these optical effects.
  • Incident light is typically represented on a ray diagram as a straight line with an arrow to indicate its direction of propagation.

The refractive index (index of refraction) of a medium measures how much the speed of light is reduced when it passes through a medium compared to its speed in a vacuum.

  • Refractive index (or, index of refraction) is a measurement of how much the speed of light is reduced when it passes through a medium compared to the speed of light in a vacuum.
  • The concept of refractive index applies to the full electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma-rays to radio waves.
  • The refractive index can vary with the wavelength of the light being refracted. This phenomenon is called dispersion, and it is what causes white light to split into its constituent colours when it passes through a prism.
  • The refractive index of a material can be affected by various factors such as temperature, pressure, and density.

In physics and optics, a medium refers to any material through which light or other electromagnetic waves can travel. It’s essentially a substance that acts as a carrier for these waves.

  • Light is a form of electromagnetic radiation, which travels in the form of waves. These waves consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields.
  • The properties of the medium, such as its density and composition, influence how light propagates through it.
  • Different mediums can affect the speed, direction, and behaviour of light waves. For instance, light travels slower in water compared to a vacuum.
  • Examples of Mediums:
    • Transparent: Materials like air, glass, and water allow most light to pass through, with minimal absorption or scattering. These are good examples of mediums for light propagation.
    • Translucent: Some materials, like frosted glass or thin paper, partially transmit light. They allow some light to pass through while diffusing or scattering the rest.
    • Opaque: Materials like wood or metal block light completely. They don’t allow any light to travel through them.

Wavelength measures a complete wave cycle, which is the distance from any point on a wave to the corresponding point on the next wave.

  • While wavelength can be measured from any point on a wave, it is often simplest to measure from the peak of one wave to the peak of the next or from the bottom of one trough to the bottom of the next, ensuring the measurement covers the whole of the cycle.
  • The wavelength of an electromagnetic wave is usually given in metres.
  • The wavelength of visible light is typically measured in nanometres, with 1,000,000,000 nanometres making up a metre.
  • Radio waves, visible light, and gamma waves for example, each have different ranges of wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum.

ROYGBV are the initials for the sequence of colours that make up the visible spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.

  • The visible spectrum refers to the range of colours visible to the human eye.
  • White light, when passed through a prism, separates into a sequence of individual colours corresponding with ROYGBV which is the range of colours visible to the human eye.
  • White light separates into ROYGBV because different wavelengths of light bend at slightly different angles as they enter and exit the prism.
  • ROYGBV helps us remember the order of these spectral colours starting from the longest wavelength (red) to the shortest (violet).
  • A rainbow spans the continuous range of spectral colours that make up the visible spectrum.
  • The visible spectrum is the small band of wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum that corresponds with all the different colours we see in the world.
  • The fact that we see the distinct bands of colour in a rainbow is an artefact of human colour vision.

The spectral colour model represents the range of pure colours that correspond to specific wavelengths of visible light. These colours are called spectral colours because they are not created by mixing other colours but are produced by a single wavelength of light. This model is important because it directly reflects how human vision perceives light that comes from natural sources, like sunlight, which contains a range of wavelengths.

  • The spectral colour model is typically represented as a continuous strip, with red at one end (longest wavelength) and violet at the other (shortest wavelength).
  • Wavelengths and Colour Perception: In the spectral colour model, each wavelength corresponds to a distinct colour, ranging from red (with the longest wavelength, around 700 nanometres) to violet (with the shortest wavelength, around 400 nanometres). The human eye perceives these colours as pure because they are not the result of mixing other wavelengths.
  • Pure Colours: Spectral colours are considered “pure” because they are made up of only one wavelength. This is in contrast to colours produced by mixing light (like in the RGB colour model) or pigments (in the CMY model), where a combination of wavelengths leads to different colours.
  • Applications: The spectral colour model is useful in understanding natural light phenomena like rainbows, where each visible colour represents a different part of the light spectrum. It is also applied in fields like optics to describe how the eye responds to light in a precise, measurable way.

Refraction refers to the way that electromagnetic radiation (light) changes speed and direction as it travels across the boundary between one transparent medium and another.

  • Light bends towards the normal and slows down when it moves from a fast medium (like air) to a slower medium (like water).
  • Light bends away from the normal and speeds up when it moves from a slow medium (like diamond) to a faster medium (like glass).
  • These phenomena are governed by Snell’s law, which describes the relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction.
  • The refractive index (index of refraction) of a medium indicates how much the speed and direction of light are altered when travelling in or out of a medium.
  • It is calculated by dividing the speed of light in a vacuum by the speed of light in the material.
  • Snell’s law relates the angles of incidence and refraction to the refractive indices of the two media involved.
  • Snell’s law states that the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the ratio of the refractive indices.

In the field of optics, dispersion is shorthand for chromatic dispersion which refers to the way that light, under certain conditions, separates into its component wavelengths, enabling the colours corresponding with each wavelength to become visible to a human observer.

  • Chromatic dispersion refers to the dispersion of light according to its wavelength or colour.
  • Chromatic dispersion is the result of the relationship between wavelength and refractive index.
  • When light travels from one medium (such as air) to another (such as glass or water) each wavelength is refracted differently, causing the separation of white light into its constituent colours.
  • When light undergoes refraction each wavelength changes direction by a different amount. In the case of white light, the separate wavelengths fan out into distinct bands of colour with red on one side and violet on the other.
  • Familiar examples of chromatic dispersion are when white light strikes a prism or raindrops and a rainbow of colours becomes visible to an observer.

A wave diagram is a graphic representation, using specific drawing rules and labels, that depicts variations in the characteristics of light waves. These characteristics include changes in wavelength, frequency, amplitude, speed of light and propagation direction.

The refractive index (index of refraction) of a medium measures how much the speed of light is reduced when it passes through a medium compared to its speed in a vacuum.

  • Refractive index (or, index of refraction) is a measurement of how much the speed of light is reduced when it passes through a medium compared to the speed of light in a vacuum.
  • The concept of refractive index applies to the full electromagnetic spectrum, from gamma-rays to radio waves.
  • The refractive index can vary with the wavelength of the light being refracted. This phenomenon is called dispersion, and it is what causes white light to split into its constituent colours when it passes through a prism.
  • The refractive index of a material can be affected by various factors such as temperature, pressure, and density.