256 RGB Colours – Cyan to Blue – Values


This is one of a series of six colour pickers that together show all 1530 fully saturated RGB colours along with their codes.

Each diagram shows 256 colours starting with a primary and finishing with a secondary colour or visa-vera:

  • Red (primary colour) to yellow (secondary colour)
  • Yellow (secondary) to green (primary)
  • Green (primary) to cyan (secondary)
  • Cyan (secondary) to blue (primary)
  • Blue (primary) to magenta (secondary)
  • Magenta (secondary) to red (primary)


256 RGB Colours - Cyan to Blue - Values

_x000D_ _x000D_ Red, green and blue are the three primary colours in the RGB colour model.
RGB is a colour model used to produce a full palette of colours by mixing red, green and blue light sources in different proportions.
A colour picker is a diagram or software tool used to visualise, organise, compare and select colours and their colour values.
RGB refers to the colours red, green and blue. These are the primary colours used by the RGB colour model to mix wavelengths of light to produce a palette of as many as 16 million colours.

About the diagram

This is one of a series of six colour pickers that together show all 1530 fully saturated RGB colours along with their codes. Fully saturated colours are produced by mixing two primary colours together.

Each diagram shows 256 colours starting with a primary and finishing with a secondary colour or visa-vera:

  • Red (primary colour) to yellow (secondary colour)
  • Yellow (secondary) to green (primary)
  • Green (primary) to cyan (secondary)
  • Cyan (secondary) to blue (primary)
  • Blue (primary) to magenta (secondary)
  • Magenta (secondary) to red (primary)

Understanding the diagram

  • All the colours in this diagram have been produced by mixing different proportion of green and blue light. The third primary colour, red, is always off.
  • The block of colour swatches is made up of 16 rows and 16 columns.
  • The first swatch at the top left shows cyan which is a secondary colour with its code 00, 255, 255.
  • The last swatch at the bottom right shows blue which is a primary colour with its code 00, 00, 255.
  • When mixing any RGB colour, three numbers (separated by commas) show how much red, green and blue light is to be used.
  • The minimum value for each light source is 0. In this case the light is fully off.
  • The maximum value for each light source is 255. In this case the light source is fully on.
  • As each number increases so does the intensity of the corresponding light but the wavelength, and so the colour we see, stays the same.
RGB colour values
Light source Red Green Blue
Maximum value for each light source (fully on) 255 , 255 , 255
Values between 0 and 255 1 to 254 1 to 254 1 to 254
Minimum value for each light source (fully off) 0 , 0 , 0

RGB colour values

Now let’s look at RGB colour values in detail

RGB colour values are represented by decimal triplets (base 10) or hexadecimal triplets (base 16). These triplets are used in software and apps to select a colour.

  • In decimal notation, an RGB triplet is used to represent the values of red, then green, then blue.
  • Decimal numbers between 0 and 255 are selected for each value:
  • Red = 255, 00, 00
  • Yellow = 255, 255, 00
  • Green = 00, 255, 00
  • Cyan = 00, 255, 255
  • Blue = 00, 00, 255
  • Magenta = 255, 00, 255
  • In hexadecimal notation, an RGB triplet is used to represent the value of red, then green, then blue.
  • Hexadecimal numbers between 00 and FF are selected for each value.
  • The hash symbol (#) is used to indicate hex notation:
  • Red = #FF0000
  • Yellow = #FFFF00
  • Green = #00FF00
  • Cyan = 00FFFF
  • Blue = #0000FF
  • Magenta = #FF00FF
  • The sequence of hexadecimal values between 1 and 16 are: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E and F.
  • The sequence of hexadecimal values between 17 and 32 are: 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E and 1F.

Some key terms

  • To be clear about the RGB colour model it is useful to remember first that:
    • The visible spectrum is the range of wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum that correspond with all the different colours we see in the world.
    • A spectral colour is a colour corresponding with a single wavelength of visible light, or with a narrow band of adjacent wavelengths.
    • The human eye, and so human perception, is tuned to the visible spectrum and so to spectral colours between red and violet. However, because of the way the eye works, we can see many other colours which are produced by mixing colours from different areas of the spectrum. A particularly useful range of colours is produced by mixing red, green and blue light.
    • RGB colour is an entirely different approach to producing and managing colour.
  • RGB colour is an additive colour model in which red, green and blue light is combined in various proportions to reproduce a wide range of other colours. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colours, red, green, and blue.
  • Except for the three primary colours, RGB colours are not spectral colours because they are produced by combining colours from different areas of the visible spectrum.
  • RGB colour provides the basis for a wide range of technologies used to reproduce digital colour.
  • RGB colour provides the basis for reproducing colour in ways that are well aligned with human perception.
  • When an observer has separate controls allowing them to adjust the intensity of overlapping red, green and blue coloured lights they are able to create a match for a very extensive range of colours.
  • When looking at any modern display device such as a computer screen, mobile phone or projector we are looking at RGB colour.
  • Magenta is an RGB colour for which there is no equivalent spectral colour.

A colour model is the how-to part of colour theory. Together they establish terms and definitions, rules or conventions and a system of notation for encoding colours and their relationships with one another.

A colour model is a way of:

  • Making sense of the colours we see around us in the world.
  • Understanding the relationship of colours to one another.
  • Understanding how to mix each type of coloured media to produce predictable results.
  • Specifying colours using names, codes, notation, equations etc.
  • Organising and using colours for different purposes.
  • Using colours in predictable and repeatable ways.
  • Working out systems and rules for mixing and using different types of colour.
  • Creating colour palettes, gamuts and colour guides.

The trichromatic colour model is a theory of colour that establishes terms, rules and methods to enable human colour vision to be dealt with in both systematic and practical ways.

Primary colours are a set of colours from which others can be produced by mixing (pigments, dyes etc.) or overlapping (coloured lights).

  • The human eye, and so human perception, is tuned to the visible spectrum and so to spectral colours between red and violet. It is the sensitivity of the eye to the electromagnetic spectrum that results in the perception of colour.
  • A set of primary colours is a set of pigmented media or coloured lights that can be combined in varying amounts to produce a wide range of colour.
  • This process of combining colours to produce other colours is used in applications intended to cause a human observer to experience a particular range of colours when represented by electronic displays and colour printing.
  • Additive and subtractive models have been developed that predict how wavelengths of visible light, pigments and media interact.
  • RGB colour is a technology used to reproduce colour in ways that match human perception.
  • The primary colours used in colour-spaces such as CIELAB, NCS, Adobe RGB (1998) and sRGB are the result of an extensive investigation of the relationship between visible light and human colour vision.

The perception of colour by an observer results from properties of light that are visible to the human eye. The visual experience of colour is associated with terms like red, blue and yellow.

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