Colour value

  • Colour values are the sets of numbers and/or characters used by colour models to systematically identify and store colour information in a form of colour notation recognizable to both computers and humans. Every colour within a colour model is assigned a unique colour value.
  • The RGB colour model uses both decimal and hexadecimal triplets for colour notation. Each of the three components within a triplet contains a value corresponding to red, green or blue. The colour values within RGB triplets appear as follows:
    • The colour values in decimal notation for orange: R=255, G=128, B=0.
    • The colour value in hexadecimal RGB notation for orange: #FF8000.
  • The HSB colour model uses decimal triplets for colour notation. Each of the three components within a triplet contains a value corresponding to hue, saturation or brightness. The colour values within HSB triplets appear as follows:
    • The colour values in decimal notation for orange: H=30.12, S=100, B=100.