Scattering: physics

About scattering in physics
Rayleigh scattering
Mie scattering
Non-selective scattering
Tyndall effect
    • Tyndall effect is another phenomenon related to scattering, where light is scattered by colloidal particles, causing them to become visible in a transparent medium.
    • Colloidal particles are small solid particles or liquid droplets that are dispersed within a medium, typically a liquid or a gas.

Scattering: Raindrops

About scattering in raindrops
  • Scattering in raindrops obeys the laws of both reflection and refraction, commonly referred to as Snell’s law. Here are three related descriptions of what causes scattering when visible light strikes a raindrop:
    • When light of a specific wavelength strikes the surface and enters a raindrop its subsequent path depends upon the point of impact, and the refractive indices of water and air.
    • When rays of light of a single wavelength strike a raindrop at different points, scattering is primarily determined by the angles at which they enter the droplet.
    • The interaction between refraction and chromatic dispersion gives rise to the appearance of rainbow colours when parallel white light rays strike various points on the surface of a raindrop.

Scattering: Random

About random scattering
Random scattering
  • Random scattering occurs when a material, due to irregularities or imperfections on its surface, reflects or transmits light rays in various unpredictable directions.
  • This scattering can produce a variety of effects:
    • Reflected light may appear hazy or lack detail, or there may be no clear reflection at all.
    • When light passes through sheets of glass with irregular yet smooth surfaces, random scattering distorts the view of the world beyond, making the image blurry and confused.
    • A reflection that is free of the effects of random scattering is called a specular reflection. Mirrors generally produce specular reflections.
Diffuse light
  • Diffuse light is a specific type of random scattering that occurs when light bounces off rough or uneven surfaces.
  • In these cases, the light scatters in all directions, creating a soft, even glow.
  • The overall structure and composition of a material can also cause diffuse light.
  • This happens when light travels through a medium that contains foreign materials, suspended particles, or has an irregular internal structure or variations in density.
  • Translucent materials containing dissolved substances, however, typically don’t cause random scattering because the particles are too small.
  • On a microscopic scale, all objects adhere to the law of reflection; however, when surface irregularities are larger than the wavelength of light, the light undergoes scattering leading to diffusion.

Scattering: Regular

About regular scattering
  • Regular scattering happens when light bounces off a smooth, curved surface in a predictable way, creating a clear and undistorted image.
  • Think about a spoon in a glass of water. The smooth, curved surface of the spoon predictably bends the light, making the spoon appear slightly bent or magnified. This is an example of regular scattering.
  • Regular scattering often occurs when parallel rays of light hit smooth, transparent objects like raindrops or prisms. In these cases, the light bends (refracts) in a predictable way depending on the angle it hits the object and the materials involved.
  • This predictable bending can sometimes separate white light into its component colours, creating a rainbow effect known as chromatic dispersion.
  • On a microscopic level, all types of scattering follow the laws of reflection and refraction (Snell’s law).
  • Let’s look at two cases of regular scattering in more detail:
    • When parallel rays of light with a single wavelength strike and enter an object like a raindrop or prism, their path depends on the initial point of impact, the refractive indices of air and water, and the object’s surface properties.
    • When parallel rays of incident light with a single wavelength meet the curved surface of a transparent medium at various points, the different angles at which they strike the surface and experience deflection mainly determine how they scatter as they exit the medium.