Free electron

A free electron is an electron that is no longer bound to a specific atom, allowing it to move freely within a material.

  • Normally, electrons exist in energy levels (orbitals) around an atom’s nucleus. A bound electron needs to absorb enough energy to overcome the attractive force holding it to the nucleus. This energy can come from various sources:

    • Heat: Adding heat to a material increases the vibration of atoms, which can bump electrons loose. This is why metals conduct electricity better when heated.
    • Light: Light, particularly high-energy light like ultraviolet (UV) radiation, can impart enough energy to eject electrons. This is the principle behind the photoelectric effect.
    • Electric field: A strong enough electric field can accelerate electrons and provide the energy needed to escape the atom’s attraction. This is important in devices like cathode ray tubes.
    • Collisions: In high-energy collisions between atoms or molecules, electrons can be knocked free. This is relevant in processes like particle accelerators.
  • Electrons in the outermost energy level (valence electrons) are generally more loosely bound and have a higher probability of being freed by these energy sources.

Free electrons play a role in many electromagnetic phenomena:

  • Photoelectric Effect: Free electrons are involved in the photoelectric effect, where photons (light particles) strike a material and transfer energy to electrons. If the energy from the light is sufficient, it can release electrons from their bound state, creating free electrons. This phenomenon is fundamental to the operation of devices like solar cells and photodetectors.
  • Interaction with Light: Free electrons can scatter light. When light interacts with a material, free electrons can absorb and re-emit photons, contributing to effects like reflection, refraction, and the generation of certain colours in materials.
  • Plasma and Light: In a plasma state, which consists of free electrons and ions, light behaves differently compared to its behaviour in neutral gases. Free electrons can reflect and absorb electromagnetic radiation, influencing how light propagates through plasma.
  • Electrical Conductivity and Light Emission: In conductors, free electrons facilitate electrical currents, and when these electrons transition between energy levels, they can emit light, as seen in incandescent bulbs or LED technology.