About particles & diagram conventions
- Absorption: When a photon is absorbed by an atom or molecule, it can be depicted in a diagram by showing the photon arrow disappearing and a dashed line indicating the location of the absorbing particle.
- Coherence: Coherence is a property of light waves that determines how well they maintain a constant phase relationship with each other over time and distance. This can be shown in a diagram by adding multiple photon arrows with the same wavelength and direction, and a dashed line connecting them to indicate their coherence.
- Diffraction: When light passes through a small opening or aperture, it can exhibit diffraction, causing the light to spread out and form a pattern of interference. This can be shown with a diagram that includes a narrow slit or aperture, with the photon arrows bending and spreading out as they pass through it.
- Directional arrows: The direction of travel of the photon is indicated by a directional arrow. The arrow usually points in the direction of the photon’s motion.
- Dispersion: When representing the dispersion of light, the diagram may show a beam of white light passing through a prism and separating into its component colours. This can be depicted by a series of arrows of different lengths and colours diverging from a central point.
- Emission: Conversely, when a photon is emitted by an atom or molecule, it can be shown by adding a photon arrow and a wavy line to represent the emitted radiation.
- Energy: The energy of the photon is often represented by the size or thickness of the arrow. Larger or thicker arrows represent photons with more energy, while smaller or thinner arrows represent photons with less energy.
- Frequency: The frequency of the photon is indicated by the number of arrows present in a given space or time. More arrows indicate higher frequency, while fewer arrows indicate lower frequency.
- Interactions: Diagrams may also show the interaction of photons with matter, such as when a photon is absorbed or emitted by an atom. This interaction is often represented by a curved arrow pointing towards or away from the atom.
- Interference: When two or more photons interact and interfere with each other, it can be shown by adding multiple photon arrows with different colours or lengths, and lines connecting them to represent constructive or destructive interference.
- Polarization: The polarization of a photon can be indicated by a double-headed arrow, with one arrow pointing up and the other pointing down to represent vertically polarized light. Alternatively, horizontal polarization can be indicated with a double-headed arrow pointing to the left and right.
- Polarization filters: Polarization filters are materials that allow only certain orientations of light waves to pass through them while blocking others. This can be depicted in a diagram by adding a filter with horizontal or vertical lines to represent the preferred orientation of the filter.
- Phase: The phase of a light wave refers to its position relative to a reference wave at a given point in time and space. This can be represented in a diagram by showing a photon arrow with a wavy line representing the wave, and a dotted line indicating the phase at a particular point.
- Photon: The light particle is represented by a symbol called a “photon.” A photon is often depicted as a small circle or dot.
- Quantum states: In quantum mechanics, photons can exist in multiple states simultaneously, a property known as superposition. This can be shown in a diagram by adding multiple photon arrows with different energies, wavelengths, or directions, and lines connecting them to represent their superposition.
- Reflection: When a photon reflects off a surface, it can be depicted by showing the photon arrow bouncing off the surface at an angle equal to the angle of incidence.
- Refraction: When a photon passes through a transparent material, such as glass or water, it can be depicted in a diagram by showing the photon arrow bending as it enters the material at an angle other than 90 degrees.
- Scattering: Scattering of light can be shown by a photon arrow changing direction after interacting with a particle or molecule. This change in direction is often represented by a curved arrow that deviates from the straight path of the original photon.
- Wavelength: The wavelength of the photon is indicated by the length of the arrow representing the photon. Longer arrows indicate photons with longer wavelengths, while shorter arrows indicate photons with shorter wavelengths.