Gravitational force

The gravitational force, also called gravity, is one of the four fundamental forces in nature. The other forces are the electromagnetic force, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force.

  • Gravity is the phenomenon that attracts objects with mass or energy towards one another.
  • It affects celestial bodies such as planets, stars, galaxies, and even light.
  • The influence of gravity on smaller objects like human beings in the presence of larger ones, such as planets, is evident.
  • Gravity, such as the Moon’s gravity, leads to ocean tides on Earth.
  • Gravity accounts for the weight of physical objects. Its range is infinite, although its effects weaken as objects move farther apart
  • Gravitational force is a universal force, meaning that it acts between all objects with mass, regardless of their composition or charge.
  • Gravitational force is a long-range force, meaning that it can act between objects that are very far apart.