Colour notation refers to the codes used by colour models to identify and store colour values in a form recognisable to both computers and humans.
RGB Colour Model
The RGB colour model uses both decimal and hexadecimal triplets for colour notation. So RGB notation looks like this:
- R=255, G=128, B=0 is the decimal notation for orange.
- #FF8000 is the hexadecimal notation for orange.
HSB Colour Model
The HSB colour model uses decimal triplets for colour notation. So an HSB notation looks like this:
- H=30, S=100, B=100 is the notation for orange.
CMYK Colour Model
- The CMYK colour model uses decimal quadruplets for colour notation. So a CMYK notation looks like this:
- C=0, M=61, Y=100, K=0 is the notation for orange.
- Each model involves a different method of encoding colours and each is used for different purposes. RGB, for instance, is commonly used for electronic displays, while CMYK is often used for printing.
- HSB, also known as HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value), is a cylindrical representation of RGB and is more intuitive for humans to understand and manipulate.
- Conversion between different forms of notation does not always result in an exact match due to the differences in colour gamuts.
- Colour notation refers to the codes used by colour models to identify and store colour values in a form recognizable to both computers and humans.
- For example, the RGB colour model uses both decimal and hexadecimal triplets for colour notation. So RGB notation looks like this:
- R=255, G=128, B=0 is the decimal notation for orange.
- #FF8000 is the hexadecimal notation for orange.