Kia ora and welcome

We would like to warmly invite you, as a member of our closest circle of friends, family and colleagues, to the launch of, our brand-new non-profit website.

We have created as an empowering and inspirational resource for students, educators and researchers of all ages who share our interest and concern for the lives and education of future generations.

The video above provides an introduction to the project and you can explore the rest of the website using the menu at the top of the page.

Come to the launch party

Your invitation to our launch party is in the panel below, so please RSVP and join us for a celebratory glass of bubbles as we thank everyone who has supported us on the journey so far and as we map out the road ahead.

Join our funding campaign

As part of our launch, we are running a crowdfunding campaign. You can help us by pledging right now using the panel on the right (below on mobiles). At this point, a pledge will make a massive difference as we set new milestones and pursue ongoing funding.

We aim to raise a minimum of NZ$2500. If things go well and we raise more, all additional amounts will go towards our current aspirations of raising NZ$12,000 during 2019. You can see an outline of our budget for 2019 here.

You can read an extract of the small print for our crowdfunding campaign here.

Visit the site and send your feedback

What you see today is our proof of concept, a prototype demonstrating both functionality and a range of different types of content. We are keen to receive your thoughts and feedback!

Read the paragraphs below to clarify what is all about and then use the feedback button on each page, and help us big-time with your comments.




Name Amount (NZ$)
Anon 20.00
Miriam Kauders 100.00
Kim Theeman 100.00
Gwynn Rees 20.00
Trisha Murdie 30.00
Elisabeth Vaneveld 50.00
Oli Allen 20.00
Oliver Copsey 50.00
Anon 50.00
Bron and Kent Shelley 50.00
Simon Smith 20.00
Zoe Copsey 20.00
Michele Johnson 20.00
Jo Goffe-Robertson 50.00
Stuart Mackay 10.00
Katie Skinner 25.00
Rachel Mann 200.00
Anita Heffernan 30.00
Rya Allen 120.00
James Baysting 50.00
Anon 20.00
Tan Copsey 200.00
Annette Ashton 50.00
Sharon Allen 20.00
Jennifer Del Bel 200.00
Kaaren Hiyama 50.00
Naomi Forrester 10.00
Nabahet Hamdi 50.00
Sarah Crane 50.00
Eric Moskowitz 100.00
Guy Farrar 40.00
Peter and Joyce Mann 200.00
Yvonne Shorten 50.00
Michael Ellis 50.00
Max The Dog 10.00
Monica Mann 50.00
Catherine Boyd 20.00
Janette Vercoe 30.00
Michael Demchy 100.00
Lucy-Mae Sparkle 20.00
Anon 20.00
Sam Simmons 20.00
Melissa Durbin 100.00
Anon 200.00
Jennifer Salmon 20.00
Julie Swasbrook 30.00
Vonney Ball 50.00
Debbie and Paul Lawrence and Barber 50.00
Phill Rooke 40.00



12.00pm GMT 21st May 2019


Thank you

Thank you to everyone for your pledges. If you are having any problems making a pledge please Contact us.

Viewing this on your mobile? To see the full story swap over to your laptop.

To all of you, our supporters, THANK YOU AGAIN 🙂

Love and best wishes from Ric and Jules

The story so far

Over the last three years, we have developed the original concept into a fully-functioning website. It involved researching and making choices between different kinds of functionality and features, then designing and building this prototype. Visitors to the site can now see the result of our efforts including examples of a wide range of different types of content.

We now think the time has arrived to share the process we have worked through so far and celebrate the milestones that are behind us.

It’s also time to spread our wings a little and start to build on the community around the site. With your help, we hope to use our social networks as part of a strategy to reach out first to organisations and individuals across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Inevitably, we have had to cover the development costs so far. So, we are hoping that at this crucial point we can inspire all those who know and support what we are doing, to join our first fundraising effort.

We are confident that, with enough support, we can build on the proof of concept, the launch and the funding campaign to develop the initiative to the next level.

The vision

The website celebrates the common ground that binds human beings together in ways that we hope everyone can identify with.

Our approach to developing content is shaped by the fact that our thoughts are focused first on young minds and how to support them to make sense of themselves and their world. challenges contemporary threats to open, diverse, inclusive and well-informed communities by advocating and demonstrating an appreciation of and care for each other and our world. To achieve this, we disseminate information and promote discussion of the very real processes that interconnect and sustain us on planet earth.

We are committed to responding to the call for people to make web-content that is rich and relevant to communities that respect civil discourse and human dignity and use the open web as a global public resource for people everywhere. is designed as a multi-disciplinary curriculum resource able to function effectively within a range of educational contexts. But it is also designed to play a part in ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated life-long learning. In both contexts, it aims to enhance active citizenship, personal development and self-sustainability.

The team

We are Ric Mann and Jules Turner, the founders and the initial contributing editors of You can read background information and our personal statements here.


Goals for 2019

Three over-arching goals for 2019 are outlined below:

2019 GOAL ONE: Commission the redesign of the site
The current design of reflects the process we have worked through towards the proof of concept.

An important goal for 2019 is to give the site a contemporary interface with architecture that enables us to move from a free-standing resource to a platform that enables citizens (registered users) to get involved as contributing editors etc.

This means commissioning a web-designer who understands our values-based objectives and can provide the site with a corresponding look and feel. They will also help us to develop functionality that enables citizens to engage with one another in discussion and moderation of existing content and also enable them to create new resources.


2019 GOAL TWO: Complete all sixteen hand-crafted articles
Complete the package of sixteen hand-crafted and illustrated articles that link our central topics of inquiry – light, colour, vision and how to see more.

These articles introduce and explore the interlinking clusters of concepts and terms that are used across the site. They also help to expose the underlying research interests that motivate us as we develop

The intention is that these articles clearly demonstrate the quality of content we aspire to.


2019 GOAL THREE: Build a community of citizens
In educational terms, an effective community enables its members to set goals, develop key competencies and realise their full personal and social potential.

We hope that everyone who signs-in, subscribes to our newsletter or provides feedback recognises that they are valued members of such a community.

The idea of citizenship has already been introduced but growing an online community as clearly a step-by-step process.

An important step for 2019 is to develop functionality so that visitors who sign in as contributing editors can communicate directly with one another and so enable a decentralised community of citizens with shared interests and a sense of shared ownership of its content.


Who is it for?


The website aims to enable students involved in their own lines of inquiry – writing essays, developing presentations, preparing resources or creating artwork. Others may use the site to check facts or to improve their understanding of the topics we cover.


The website aims to resource teachers and educators who need to access resources that enable them to engage students with the topics we cover.

Our articles, for example, aim to provide consistently argued overviews of topics that draw on families of concepts/terms supported by a knowledge-base of definitions, explanations and additional information.

Our diagrams aim to provide an engaging and informative visual counterpoint to discussion within each topic.

Researchers of all ages

Our own academic, professional and personal research underpins the website. Our interests span the visual arts, the philosophy of design, visual arts education and curriculum development. We see as a beacon for discussion of contemporary issues in a shadowed world.

We recognise that the needs of these three interest groups differ. With this in mind, the site targets a general readership first. As a result, content is organised so that the most accessible information is presented first, followed by additional content and links to further resources. Terms and concepts follow the same pattern meaning that new vocabulary is introduced paragraph by paragraph.

Research Classroom Student General
Images ???? ???? ???? ????
Explanations ???? ???? ???? ????
Downloads ???? ???? ???? ????
In-line links ???? ???? ????
Bibliography ???? ???? ????
Q&A’s ???? ????
Articles ????
Citizenship ????

The relevance of content to different types of users


Targets for 2019

We have a set of targets for 2019 to do with adding content. You can get a sense of the range of tasks from the table below:

Targets for 2019
Edit and proof Everything uploaded to date needs a final edit and proof
Images Upload fully researched but unfinished content
Articles Final edit and upload three more completed articles about colour
Bibliography Add in-line citations, footnotes and bibliography
Photography Establish the photography section

Working on the design and functionality of the site is a distraction from developing new content that we hope to overcome during 2019. The chart below shows progress so far towards our targets for the year.


Site content: Progress towards 2019 targets


A list of current features and links to examples

Features Details Examples
Images Library of images in the form of diagrams and slides supported by full-page explanations Example
Articles Library of illustrated articles exploring light, colour, vision and how to see more Example
References Reference library of key terms used across the site including definition, explanation and bullet points Example
Q&A’s Pop-up general-knowledge Q&A’s with in-text links to the reference library Example
In-line links Functionality that highlights keywords and links to the reference library Example
Bibliography In-line citations and footnotes are used throughout the site and link to the bibliography.
Free downloads Functionality to download images and articles in formats suited to a range of different uses Example
Citizenship Functionality to enable and encourage user involvement

Table showing the existing features of


How our crowdfunding campaign works is a project which operates under the auspices of MediaStudies Trust, an incorporated society registered as a charitable trust in New Zealand. The financial management of including all forms of fundraising is the responsibility of the trust.

Our crowd-funding campaign for is intended to encourage collaboration in the project and help fund development through 2019.

The campaign begins on 1st May 2019 and finishes at 12.00pm GMT on the 21st May 2019

A pledge is an amount that a supporter offers to contribute if the crowdfunding campaign is successful.

The campaign will be successful if it reaches or exceeds the funding goal of $2500 by the close date.

If the campaign doesn’t reach its funding goal, then supporters will not be asked to settle their pledges.

If the crowd-funding campaign is a success, then supporters will receive an email offering various ways to transfer the pledged amount.

Two further attempts will be made to collect pledged amounts.

If these efforts are unsuccessful the pledge will be recorded as unpaid, but the amount pledged will be counted towards the success of the campaign.

Any donations made to during the crowdfunding campaign will be counted alongside pledges.

Supporters can only make one pledge to the campaign. If a second pledge is received it will be considered as an amendment of the first.

Please contact Ric and Jules directly or through the website with any questions.

Footnote is intended to be a 10-year project. It’s a kind of life work at the point where Ric and Jules’ research interests overlap. Health and everyday circumstances permitting, it will continue to develop. It is assumed that when supporters make pledges and donations to they accept the unforeseeable risks and challenges faced by the project.

PLEDGE NZ$20 OR MORE (£10.50)

RECEIVE: Citizenship
Because you made a real difference!

Honorary citizenship (with no obligations).
Regular newsletter containing project updates.
Appreciation and thanks measured in tons.

PLEDGE NZ$50 OR MORE (£25.80)

RECEIVE: Citizenship (Honours)
Because you made a big difference!

Honorary citizenship (with no obligations).
Regular newsletter containing project updates.
Appreciation and thanks measured in tons.

PLEDGE NZ$200 OR MORE (£103.30)

RECEIVE: Citizenship (1st Class Hons)
Because you made a huge difference!

Honorary citizenship (with no obligations).
Regular newsletter containing project updates.
Appreciation and thanks measured in tons.
** operates under the auspices of MediaStudies Trust, an incorporated society registered as a charitable trust in New Zealand