RGB colour values

RGB colour values refer to the numeric codes used in RGB colour notation to define specific colours in a digital image or on a digital display.

About RGB colour values
  • Colour values are numbers and/or characters used by colour models to represent and store colour information in a format recognizable to both computers and humans.
  • Each colour within a colour model is assigned a unique colour value.
  • RGB colour values (codes) are represented by decimal triplets (base 10) or hexadecimal triplets (base 16).
RGB decimal values
  • In decimal notation, an RGB triplet is used to represent the values of red, then green, then blue. A range of decimal numbers from 0 to 255 can be selected for each value.
    • Red = 255, 00, 00
    • Yellow = 255, 255, 0
    • Green = 00, 255, 00
    • Cyan = 00, 255, 255
    • Blue = 00, 00, 255
    • Magenta = 255, 00, 255
RGB hexadecimal values
  • In decimal notation, an RGB triplet represents the values of red, green, and blue, in that order. Each value can range from 0 to 255.
  • The hash symbol (#) is used to indicate hexadecimal notation.
    • Red = #FF0000
    • Yellow = #FFFF00
    • Green = #00FF00
    • Cyan = #00FFFF
    • Blue = #0000FF
    • Magenta = #FF00FF
  • The sequence of hexadecimal values between 1 and 16 = 0,1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E and F.
  • The sequence of hexadecimal values between 17 and 32 = 10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,1A,1B,1C,1D,1E and 1F.
    • RGB colour values refer to the numeric codes used to define a specific colour in a digital image or on a digital display.
    • Colour values are numbers and characters used by colour models to represent and store colour information in a format recognizable to both computers and humans.
    • Each colour within a colour model is assigned a unique colour value.
    • The notation for RGB colour values (codes) are decimal triplets (base 10) or hexadecimal triplets (base 16).
    • RGB decimal and hexadecimal triplets look like this:
      • R = 255, G = 128, B = 0 (255,128,00) is the decimal notation for orange.
      • #FF8000 is the hexadecimal notation for orange.