HSB colour values (codes) are numeric triplets used in software applications and programming to identify different colours.
- A numeric triplet is a code containing three parameters that refer to the hue, saturation, and brightness of a colour.
- For example:
- The HSB values for pure red are(0, 100%, 100%): Hue: 0°, Saturation: 100%, Brightness: 100%.
- A lighter, pastel version of red might be (0, 50%, 100%): Hue: 0°, Saturation: 50%, Brightness: 100%.
- A very dark, muted red could be: Hue (0, 100%, 20%): 0°, Saturation: 100%, Brightness: 20%.
- The values assigned to the three parameters can be used to define millions of different colours.
- Typically, the HSB colour model is implemented as follows:
- Hue is represented in degrees from 0 to 360, corresponding to locations on the circumference of a colour wheel.
- Saturation is represented as a percentage, where 100% denotes a fully saturated colour, and 0% denotes a fully desaturated colour.
- Brightness is represented as a percentage, where 100% denotes the highest luminance of a colour, and 0% denotes the darkest possible shade of a colour.