RGB secondary colours

About RGB secondary colours
  • RGB secondary colours are the hues formed by combining two primary colours of light in equal proportions.
  • The three RGB secondary colours are cyan, magenta, and yellow:
    • When green and blue light sources overlap, they produce cyan.
    • When blue and red light sources overlap, they produce magenta.
    • When red and green light sources overlap, they produce yellow.
  • Mixing adjacent RGB primary and secondary colours of equal intensity results in tertiary colours:
    • Mixing red (primary) and yellow (secondary) creates orange.
    • Mixing yellow (secondary) and green (primary) creates lime green.
    • Mixing green (primary) and cyan (secondary) creates spring green.
    • Mixing cyan (secondary) and blue (primary) creates turquoise.
    • Mixing blue (primary) and magenta (secondary) creates purple.
    • Mixing magenta (secondary) and red (primary) produces fuchsia.