Adobe RGB, sRGB & ProPhoto

About Adobe RGB, ProPhoto RGB & sRGB

The most common colour profiles in photography are sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), and ProPhoto RGB.

  • Adobe RGB, developed in 1998, consists of the same red green blue colours as sRGB but the colour space has a larger gamut.
    • It was developed to communicate with standard CMYK multi-function and inkjet printers and is commonly used for printing on fine art papers.
    • When the RGB colour model is used on a modern computer screen, the Adobe RGB (1998) colour space aims to reproduce roughly 50% of the range of colours that an observer is capable of seeing in ideal conditions.
    • The Adobe RGB (1998) colour space was developed to improve on the gamut of colours that could be produced by the earlier sRGB colour space, primarily in the reproduction of cyan-green hues.
  • sRGB stands for standard red green blue and has the smallest colour space.
    • It was developed by HP and Microsoft in 1996 for use with monitors, printers, and the World Wide Web.
    • It is the most commonly used colour profile today because of its consistent reproduction of colours across different platforms.
  • ProPhoto RGB has the largest colour space with a gamut that covers a significant part of the perceptual colour space of the human eye.
    • ProPhoto RGB is used in high-end photography and editing workflows to preserve a wider range of colours and maintain the quality of the original image during processing.