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    Get involved!

    Join us in one of the following citizenship roles.

    • Patron: A patron is someone who wants to attach their name to because they share our values and believe in what we are doing. We invite you to become a patron because you want to stand by us, to be counted and to add your weight to our foundations. You don’t need to be well known, have a public profile or have time to spare. To become a patron is simply to say . . .count me in.
    • Sponsor: Sponsors of are individuals, organisations or businesses who want to provide practical support to our efforts. You can sponsor us by making some kind of regular pledge of support or by helping us to realise a specific aim or aspiration.
    • Contributing editor: Our contributing editors are members of the team and may be involved in developing and editing content for the site. Some of our contributing editors have a particular knowledge of subjects we cover, others are programmers or interested in developing the design or functionality of the site.
    • Collaborator (partner organisation and individuals): Collaborators and partners have similar aims or objectives as We work with them to promote common causes.

    We would love to hear how you would like to get involved. Or just get in touch and we can explain more 🙂

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